POST: Create an Order

POST: Create an Order

Use this API to Create a new Order for T6

Resource URL


Use the following Header Parameters

  • Content-Type: application/json

  • Authorization: bearer <Oauth2 access token>


JSON Body:

{ "customerId": <Customer ID>, "customerOrderId": "CustomerOrder ID", "createdOnDatetime": "2019-09-30T17:57:19.305Z", "submittedOnDatetime": "2019-09-30T17:57:19.305Z", "address": { "company": "Company1", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "address1": "1234 Green Street", "address2": "APT 212", "city": "Los Angeles", "state": "CA", "zip": "90210", "country": "US" }, "shippingPreference": "Standard", "shippingPDFUrl": "https://cdn.filesource.com/orderXXXXpacklist.pdf", "orderItems": [ { "designArt": "Art Test", "style": "130", "trimColor": "WHITE", "size": "XL", "quantity": 1, "sku": "PHL-ARTTEST-XL", "artFileUrl": "https://cdn.filesource.com/fileURL.jpg" } ] }


Sample Return Value:
200 OK

NOTE: Save the orderId value and use that for GetOrderStatus API

{ "id": "1fbf52aa-4e93-4350-a4c5-5b8cea66d9e4", "customerId": <Customer ID>, "customerOrderId": "CustomerOrder ID", "orderId": 384690, "createdOnDatetime": "2019-12-06T13:58:08.9423832-08:00", "submittedOnDatetime": "2019-12-06T13:58:08.9423832-08:00", "address": { "id": "eb8266e6-15be-4416-b608-0207fc2e759d", "cartId": "1fbf52aa-4e93-4350-a4c5-5b8cea66d9e4", "company": "Company1", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "address1": "1234 Green Street", "address2": "APT 212", "city": "Los Angeles", "state": "CA", "zip": "90210", "country": "US", "province": null, "userDefinedJson": null }, "shippingPreference": "Standard", "shippingPDFUrl": "https://cdn.filesource.com/orderXXXXpacklist.pdf", "userDefinedJson": null, "orderItems": [ { "id": "1fbf52aa-4e93-4350-a4c5-5b8cea66d9e4", "orderGuId": "1fbf52aa-4e93-4350-a4c5-5b8cea66d9e4", "designArt": "Art Test", "style": "130", "trimColor": "White", "size": "XL", "quantity": 1, "sku": "PHL-ARTTEST-XL", "artFileUrl": "", "weight": 527.3100, "shippingPreference": null, "t6Style": "HOODIE- 130", "t6StyeId": 130, "t6SizeId": 7, "t6StyleSizeId": 5782, "userDefinedJson": null } ] }

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